For the locals, for you

More information will come

FIGMA 2022

Fjällräven Cycling community
Short version is that I like communities more than social media and I believe that communities are a big part of the future so I decided to make a community app design for Fjällräven. 
During spring 2022 Fjällräven released a new collaboration with the cycling brand Specialized so I thought why not do a cycling community app design? 
The design and function is to bring all people who has interest in cycling to one platform. In this app you will be able to plan your cycling activities such as bike packing, long distance, training or just commute to work, share and receive knowledge between users, and take part in cycling events.
The app design is built on user-generated-content and collaborations.
Adobe XD 2022
Inspiration for a launch film
Loadingpage inside the  app
Idéa and animator
After effects 2022

Design schedule
The primary colors in this project comes from Fjällrävens visual identity and the secondary colors comes from the collaborations with specialized. 
The icons I made for the design follows the visual identity for Fjällräven as the icons are very round shaped. I wanted it to be easy for the user to notice when an icon was active or inactive, so the icons are filled and unfilled. 
ADobe Illustrator 2022


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